Friday, February 8, 2013

Cable Car Accident Injures 7

This past week seven people in San Francisco were rushed to the hospital after being in a cable car accidents.This accident occurred at Washington and Powell St. Furthermore the cable cars sudden stop was due to a bolt left on the the car tract. The injuries sustained by the passengers were minor.Moreover the rail car was only going 9 miles per hour at a down hill angel.The cable car that was caring the passengers is 100 years old.There has been an investigation as to where the bolts originated from. Many bystanders as well as the media speculates that the bolts that stopped the cable car may have been from another cable car.However authorities have confidently disclosed that the bolts did not come from any other cable car. In closing, if the bolts did come from another cable car then that would prompt a major lawsuits. Due to the fact that the cable car should have on going inspections of their equipment due to the large amount of passengers that travel on the cable car. Consequently, the failed to disclose if there ere any one that was aboard the cable filing suit , for negligence on the company's behalf.

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