Friday, February 8, 2013

Automobile Accidents And Obese Drivers?!? Smaller Cars?!

Honestly speaking where do these people get off by saying that obese drivers are more at risk for automobile accidents when driving? 

This completely clouds and puzzles my mind as to why some research studies go under way. On the brighter side it may be because they don't have anything better else to do however lets look at the statistics.

The first statistic says that, "The heaviest drivers were 80% more likely to be killed in crashes than those of normal weight".Just because the researchers haven't even began testing their cars with more heavier and larger crash test dummies how would they genuinely know?

 I firmly believe that everybody is at the same risk....if i can flip my car over and get trapped in it and I stand at 5'4 and weigh 115 pound's what more for a person that is larger. This person too can get stuck as well and may not be able to get freed. I find this to be utter discrimination at its finest! 

Delanie Walkers Aunt and Uncle Die in automobile accident

This weekend after the super bowl 49ers player Delanie Walker found out terrible news. Delanie walkers aunt and uncle were killed by a drunk driver. Necole Thomas was driving sporadically from what on lookers say and smashed directly into the back Delanie Walkers aunt and uncle. their car was pulled over on the side of the highway when 26 year old Necole Thomas Smashed into the back of the car. as the story progressed Necole Thomas blood alcohol was tested her breathalyzer clearly showed she was beyond the legal limit, which she was drunk and belligerent.This comes as a major shock to the sports world. In support of Walker the NFL league reached out to Walker via Twitter.

It is so sad that people cant even go out and enjoy themselves on a Holiday without some jerk ruining it with their drunk tactics.

This is clearly why I stay in on every holiday to avoid Automobile accidents.In response to the growing chaos Delanie Walker responded via twitter saying "Alice and Bryan Young my aunt and uncle was killed on Monday at 5:00 am after the super bowl by a drunk driver".

My heart goes out to the family, as well as 26 year old Necole Thomas, she made a mistake that will haunt her for the rest of her life.

Car and School Bus Accident In Raleigh,NC

Shortly before 8:00 am on, February 7, 2013 there was an automobile and bus accident involving 9 school children and a adult. The lady driving the Honda Civic which was hit by the school bus, was ejected from her car. Authorities report that the woman has life threatening injuries.

The 9 school children were fine all for except one that was complaining of injuries.Apparently this all occurred while the school bus was in route picking the kids up.

Witnesses said the woman was crossing an intersection attempting to make a right turn,when her car interjected in front of the school bus that was traveling at 50 miles per hour.Some question what could she have been doing where she didn't see the bus coming at full speed. Currently, the accident is being investigated, and both damaged vehicles were towed.

IN MY PERSONAL OPINION-(Speculation 1,2,and 3)
Speculation 1-Everybody lives their life according to how they want to live it....Who knows this woman could have been on a suicide mission. It kills me sometimes when people automatically think that situations like this cant be planned by individuals.

Speculation 2-She probably dropped something on the floor of her car and was attempting to reach down and get it when...BAM!!! she looks up and by then she laying unconscious on the pavement. Im not poking humor im just speculating....Hell everybody else does it..

Speculation 3-She could have been rushing to work, talking on her cell phone and having a drink off cofee when ...BAM!! She spills her coffee on her leg causing her to look down and by then....BAM!!!a big yellow school bus engine is her car....

Cable Car Accident Injures 7

This past week seven people in San Francisco were rushed to the hospital after being in a cable car accidents.This accident occurred at Washington and Powell St. Furthermore the cable cars sudden stop was due to a bolt left on the the car tract. The injuries sustained by the passengers were minor.Moreover the rail car was only going 9 miles per hour at a down hill angel.The cable car that was caring the passengers is 100 years old.There has been an investigation as to where the bolts originated from. Many bystanders as well as the media speculates that the bolts that stopped the cable car may have been from another cable car.However authorities have confidently disclosed that the bolts did not come from any other cable car. In closing, if the bolts did come from another cable car then that would prompt a major lawsuits. Due to the fact that the cable car should have on going inspections of their equipment due to the large amount of passengers that travel on the cable car. Consequently, the failed to disclose if there ere any one that was aboard the cable filing suit , for negligence on the company's behalf.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Arrest in fatal 2-car accident

On February 7, 2013 there was an automobile accident, in Brooklyn, New York.1 person was killed on impact, and two twin toddlers survived. There was a man that was a part of this accident, he was driving a white company van, that was taken into custody. He as charged with aggravated unlicensed operator and operating a motor vehicle without a proper license.The driver of the red Ford Focus was rushed to the hospital with no life threatening injury. The one fatality lost in tragic accident, has a grieving family. As well as a heart broken husband. Fernando Gonzalez was married to Mrs Anita Gonzalez for 17 years. Consequently, he cried his heart out while in the hospital, where his wife was pronounced dead on arrival. In the same light Mrs Gonzalez has left behind a teenage son. There have been so many loses in this family. In the same light this shows us in time that we should all be aware of those we share the road with to avoid automobile accidents.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Automobile Accidents

Every year there are over 40 million accidents in the United States. In the event that you or someone you know is involved in an automobile accident there are steps that should be followed start to finish. However, many people make crucial mistakes that work against them. In the same token many freely wave their rights unknowingly which hurt their insurance claims in the end.
The main causes of Automobile accidents-

There are various factors that cause automobile accidents which are detailed below:

 Talking on the phone/texting
·          Driving a defective car
·         Doing makeup/Tying your tie(no it isn't just the women   fellas)
·         Eating
·         Not paying attention
·         Braking to late/Braking to fast
·         Wild animal causes a car pileup (in which you are so lucky to be a part of)
·         Drunk drivers
·         Reckless Drivers
·         The person who had his or her brother or sister go take the  driver’s test for them (there are many illiterate hair blowing in the wind, I don’t have a care kind of people out there)
·         Seasoned Professional Road Ragers
·         Driving past the limit/Driving under the limit
·         People switching lanes to quick or too slow
            And last but not least the scam artist in the car ahead of you purposely causing commotion to reap the benefits of a nice insurance check from damage done to their car.(I advise no one to try this scam because 9 times out of 10 it won’t work to your benefit in the end )